What is?

What exactly does the commish do?


In addition to being Insurance Commissioner, Hudgens is also the Safety Fire Commissioner and Industrial Loan Commissioner.  His duties include regulating approximately 1,600 insurance companies, licensing 137,000 insurance agents, and regulating over 1,000 industrial loan offices.

As Safety Fire Commissioner, Hudgens appoints the State Fire Marshal, oversees the state arson unit, regulates explosive and hazardous materials, and is responsible for the inspection of public buildings for compliance with the state fire code.

Commissioner Hudgens is a businessman , who for nearly two decades, worked for Shell Chemical Company, a division of Shell Oil, in sales and management.  Today, he owns and operates several successful businesses, and understands first-hand how insurance premiums impact companies of all sizes. 

From the Political Vine Blog: (please the whole page especially where it talks about ethics)

Hudgens describes himself as a “small businessman.” That’s not quite what his own financial disclosure says. That document (which his campaign submitted to the State Ethics Commission) describes him with the occupation of “Investor.”
What does Hudgens invest in? Mostly land, but some businesses.
What does Hudgens earn as a self-identified investor? Let’s look at his 2009 total income:
$308,727.00 = Other Income
$15,047.96 = Salaries, wages & commissions
$92,055.75 = Net income from Rents, Royalties, & Dividends
$1,872.80 = Income from dividends & interests
Net Worth of Senator Hudgens: $8.504 Million


The Division makes sure all insurance companies, HMOs, producers selling insurance in Georgia and other regulated entities obey state insurance laws. The Division provides consumer information and investigates complaints about companies and producers.

(kind of funny since Hudgens does his best to obsrtuct ACA)

Here is the main page of the Health Commish: http://www.oci.ga.gov/home.aspx

He is also in charge of fire safety as we can see he has issued warnings about firecracker safety:

Hmmm. I think something worth investigating is whether we really need an insurance/fire safety commission at all. It appears from the web site they/he are investigating insurance fraud but couldn't some other agency do that? More later.

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